Please note that the hours presented are indicative and subject to change.
Each service is unique based on the size and condition of the property.

Please note that the cleaning time is the sum of the total time of a minimum of two (2) cleaners.
For example: You book 2 beds + 2 baths. You pay for nine (9) hours.
And you get service from 2 people for 4.5 or from 3 people for 3 hours.
(2 people for 4.5 hours = 9 hours / 3 people for 3 hours = 9 hours)

1 bed property - starts from 6 hours
2 bed +1 bath  - start from 8 hours
2 bed + 2 baths - start from 9 hours
3 bed + 1 bath - start from 10 hours
3 bed + 2 baths - start from 11.5 hours
4 bed + 2 baths  - start from 12.5 hours

Full House Deep Clean

What Does Our Deep Cleaning Service Include?

Spring is probably the best season to book deep cleaning, but you can call us for this service at any time of the year. We undertake a top-to-bottom approach, aiming to clean your home as thoroughly as possible. Our house cleaners work by following a checklist for each room/area in your property, making sure that every corner and crevice is cleaned properly.

Bella Cleaning Services will provide all the necessary cleaning materials if requested.

Areas such as hallways and staircases take a heavy load of dirt and dust from heavy everyday use, so we pay special attention to these areas to make sure they are completely clean and shining by the time we leave.

  • Kitchen deep cleaning: in and out of all cupboards and appliances.
  • Windows and frames
  • Doors
  • Radiators
  • Professional bathroom cleaning with limescale remover
  • Skirting boards wiped down
  • Fingerprints spot cleaned from light switches and doors
  • Carpets vacuumed / Floors mopped
  • Mirrors, any glass surfaces would be polished
  • Cobwebs removed
Professional oven cleaning is an extra charge, 
but you receive a 20 % discount for this service.